Leading Organizations

The World Humanities Report is a collaboration between the two leading international organizations for the humanities: the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI) and the International Council of Philosophy and the Human Sciences (CIPSH).


About the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI)

CHCI is a global network of over 300 humanities centers, institutes, research libraries, and related organizations in 47 countries. The Consortium is currently hosted by the University of California, Berkeley (USA).

From its inception in 1988, CHCI has amplified and connected the multiple forms of inquiry and programming taking place at university-based humanities centers and institutes, and, more recently, CHCI has come to broaden its definition of humanities centers and institutes in parallel with its internationalization. CHCI supports networking through annual meetings; thematic, regional, and professional groups focused on Medical Humanities, Public Humanities, Humanities Centers at Liberal Arts Colleges and Small Universities, and Professional Staff at Humanities Centers and Institutes; collaborative research initiatives; programs for early career scholars; and a digital platform that includes both a database of members and an online research publication.

CHCI is a leader in fostering research collaboration in the humanities through programs that include Global Humanities Institutes, African Humanities Workshops, and Summer Institutes in Chinese Studies and the Global Humanities.


About the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences

The International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (Conseil International de la Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines, or CIPSH) is a nongovernmental organization within UNESCO, which federates hundreds of learned societies in the fields of philosophy, human sciences, and other related subjects. 

Founded in 1949 and reconstituted in 2011, CIPSH coordinates international work and research carried out by a global constellation of institutions and networks of scholars. CIPSH favors the exchange of knowledge among faraway scholars and fosters their collaborations in order to improve communication among specialists across disciplines as well as to enhance a deeper knowledge of cultures thereby emphasizing the richness of each culture and the fruitfulness of diversity. 

CIPSH advocates for the totality of research encompassing the ways in which human societies organize their thoughts, actions, lives, and value systems as envisaged in the broadest possible spatial and temporal frame. Further, CIPSH promotes communication of research results not only to mitigate daily concerns of everyday life but also to contribute to all people’s foresight and flourishing.