Fadi Bardawil

Fadi A. Bardawil, an anthropologist by training, is an associate professor of contemporary Arab cultures in the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Duke University. He is the author of Revolution and Disenchantment: Arab Marxism and the Binds of Emancipation (2020). His research investigates the international circulation of critical theory, the genealogies of postcolonial critique, and the traditions of intellectual inquiry and modalities of political engagement of contemporary Arab thinkers. His writings have appeared in boundary2; Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East; Journal for Palestine Studies (Arabic edition); Jadaliyya; al-Jumhuriya; the Immanent Frame; Kulturaustausch; Megaphone; and South Atlantic Quarterly.
Authored Essays
Border Crossings: Arab Humanities at Home and Abroad