Keyword: Archives and Libraries


Foster the Open Circulation of Scholarship

Invest in the design and implementation of equitable digital infrastructure for research and teaching; support open access and freely available scholarly resources; ensure freedom from political, algorithmic, and corporate media censorship of information.

Preserve Archives, Both Physical and Virtual

Archives are essential resources for understanding human experience past, present, and future. Ensure the creation and protection of accessible archives, including libraries, museums, and collections, both physical and virtual. Develop strategies to ensure that digital archives remain accessible and up to date.



Chapter 3.3 – Religious Studies in Contemporary China

Chapter 11.5 – Studies of Minority Nationality Languages

Chapter 11.4 – Research on Chinese Dialects

Chapter 11.3 – Research on Chinese Writing Systems

Chapter 11.2 – Historical Chinese and Grammar Usage

Chapter 8.3 – Digital Humanities in China, 1980–2020

Chapter 7 – Unearthed Bamboo and Silk Documents and the Development of Chinese Humanities

Critical Thought in the Time of Digital Technology: The Case of Feminist and Anticaste Activism on Social Media

How We Remember: Memory Work in Chicago and Colombia

The Urban Condition and Its Imaginaries: Perspectives from the Arab World

The City in Creative (Anticolonial) Imagination

Comix as Artivism: The Intersection between Art and Critique

On Feminist Platforms in the MENA Region: Experiments with New Terms and New Terms of Engagement

Afterlives of the State: Reimagining National Belongings in Lebanon on Instagram

Alternative Archival Initiatives as Sites of Resistance

Arab Archives and Asian Histories


Case Studies