Keyword: Global Humanities


Preserve Languages and Language Study

Defend language as a unique window into human understanding, connectivity, and experience. Identify at-risk indigenous languages and implement strategies to ensure their preservation. Support multilingualism and invest in translation of texts and web-based media to ensure that languages remain viable and local knowledge circulates globally.

Facilitate Collaboration and Knowledge That Cuts across Disciplines within and beyond the Humanities

Recognize interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary collaboration is a condition of improving our understanding of the human condition and addressing grand challenges and SDGs. Strive to integrate the humanities into higher education and research across fields and disciplines.

Recognize the Global Humanities

Value a global approach to the humanities, one that recognizes global entanglements over national interests and that exposes the multiple histories and origins of the humanities including, but not determined by Europe. Emphasize global interconnectedness and support local and regional research in order to provide a fuller and more inclusive understanding of human experience.



The Humanities in Africa: A Cautious Bibliographic Note

Understanding Amazonia: From Interdisciplinary to Transdisciplinary Challenge

The Contribution of Islamic Feminists to the Production of Knowledge

A Contested Terrain: Education in Emergencies Research

US Branch Campuses in the Gulf as Sites of Imperial and Decolonial Knowledge Production

Troubling South-South Solidarity