Hana Shaltout

Hana Shaltout graduated from the American University in Cairo in 2014 with a BA from the Political Science Honours Programme with a specialization in international relations. She completed her MSc in gender, media, and culture at the London School of Economics in 2015. After being a researcher at the Arab Council for Social Sciences working on the World Humanities Report, she is currently doing her PhD in cultural studies at the University of Sussex, on feminist artivism in Egypt post-2011. Her research interests include alternative knowledge production, gender studies, cultural studies, and women’s participation in the political arena.


Authored Essays

Comix as Artivism: The Intersection between Art and Critique


Authored Case Studies

Case Study: Afro-Asian Futures Past

Case Study: Cairo Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences

Case Study: Creative Memory of the Syrian Revolution

Case Study: Kohl: A Journal for Body and Gender Research

Case Study: MADAR Network

Case Study: The Other Maps of Egypt

Case Study: Studio Urban

Case Study: Transat