Joseph M. Pierce

Joseph M. Pierce (Cherokee Nation citizen) is an associate professor in the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature at Stony Brook University. His research focuses on the intersections of kinship, gender, sexuality, and race in Latin America, nineteenth-century literature and culture, queer studies, Indigenous studies, and hemispheric approaches to citizenship and belonging. He is the author of Argentine Intimacies: Queer Kinship in an Age of Splendor, 1890–1910 (2019) and coeditor of Políticas del amor: Derechos sexuales y escrituras disidentes en el Cono Sur (2018) as well as of the 2021 special issue of GLQ, “Queer/Cuir Américas: Translation, Decoloniality, and the Incommensurable.” Along with S. J. Norman (Koori of Wiradjuri descent) he is co-curator of the performance series Knowledge of Wounds.
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